How do you get from where you are to where you want to be?

You know how it is – you weigh 170lbs and you want to weigh 145. Or you give in to your cravings and you want to eat only when you’re hungry. At The Life Coach School, where I teach and mentor new coaches, we call this space in between where you are and where you […]

What would you do if you found a hair in your food?

I remember it as clearly as if it was yesterday. Twenty five years ago, I’d been invited to a colleague for dinner. It was a new friendship, and the first time I’d been to her house. She served lasagna. I can still feel the horror as I realized there was a strand of hair in […]

Fattening thoughts for December – and how to replace them.

“It’s just once a year.” “It’s tradition at this time of year.” How many indulgences do you satisfy with this just ‘once a year’ thought? I’m guessing more than one? Think hard about this. I know candy canes only come around once a year. And believe me, that’s our tradition at this time of year. […]

That bite. It does matter.

As promised, I’m talking about fattening thoughts for a few weeks. Here’s a really fattening thought: I don’t care.   How many times have you told yourself that you don’t care As you’re about to dive headlong into a binge? Often, you’re angry about something or someone Or you’re really disappointed about an outcome And […]

Here’s how I’m losing weight during perimenopause

I’ve become a person who doesn’t snack. Not snacking is new for me. It’s a decision I made recently. I love the idea that we can change who we are. It feels very powerful to me, as if we have endless possibility. I’m experimenting with different ways of eating, in order to meet the needs […]

What do you ask food to do for you?

Do you ask food to do something it isn’t capable of doing? My clients tell me that food comforts them. That food is their friend. That food makes them feel better. Of course, when I question them, they come to realize that food can’t do any of these things. Food is really just a bunch […]

How do you feel when you make an excuse?

What do you make excuses about? Common topics are: what we ate (I couldn’t help it I was starving and there was nothing healthy to eat) how we felt (he was so rude I just had to yell at him) our finances (it’s not my fault I have expensive taste). We often believe our excuses. […]

What does your future look like?

I’m teaching an intensive class (breathtakingly life-changing!!). We talked a lot about focusing on the future, And how powerful that is. Most of us are past-focused. We spend a lot of time thinking and talking about the past, And how different we/our lives would be if our past had been different. There’s no end to […]

Sometimes weight loss is soooo slow

I’ve decided to lose those extra 5 lbs I’ve gained over the past year or so. I remember how easy and steady it was when I first lost 60 lbs 5 years ago. I’m 51 now, and it’s not going the same way this time. I’m doing exactly the same thing I did then, and […]

What do you really really want?

I really love my job! And I love it even more when I get emails like this one from Roberta* “Weekend was really good. Went to a movie Sat night and even though my husband was chomping away on his popcorn, I just stuck to my cut up apple and didn’t even have a kernel. […]