Do you know what words you’re allowing to create your reality?
The words that you allow to dominate your consciousness tend to materialize,
So it’s a really good idea to pay attention to what you’re telling yourself all day.

I like to purposefully choose the words I focus on, so I choose sentences that describe the reality I want to create, and then I think them all day.
It’s how we create new pathways in our brains, so that we change our behaviour without having to fight against our old programming.
For example, Gina was eyeing the candy aisle at the grocery store, but when she remembered her sentence “I’m the kind of person who looks after herself”, she lost interest and walked away.
Her words became her reality.

Lately, I’ve been experimenting with single words.
What if y0u could find one word that, when you think it,
will immediately turn your focus to where you want to be? 
Wouldn’t that be so great?
Just one word, to keep bringing you back, back, back.
Back to your centred place.
And what would that word be?
For me, it’s REMEMBER.
I have so many insights and epiphanies in my life,
And I usually live by them for a few weeks or days,
And I feel amazing and alive and purposeful,
And I get stuff done.
And then I forget,
And go back to my unconscious life.
So for me,
Every time I notice myself drifting,
I simply say “remember” and all the wisdom and desire helps me turn toward who I want to be.

Last week I hosted an art workshop at the amazing Studio p,
Where we created stunning canvasses with our words.
Trust, Care, Lean, Remember.

Lean. Isn’t that interesting?
You might think that would be a negative word for an emotional eater.
But here’s how Jodi explained it:
“I want a lean life. Lean body, lean house (free of clutter and excess), lean friends (only those who fill me).”
I adore it.
I’ve been thinking about this word ever since.
Only what’s necessary, helpful and life-enhancing.
I love it.

What would your word be?
That one word that, when you say it, will bring you right back to your centre?
Give yourself some time to let it come.
You’ll know it because, the minute you think it, your body will shift –
You’ll feel an opening, clarity, maybe even a small tingle.
That’s it – that’s your word.
Hold it close and find the magic in it.

P.S. Here’s some more amazing art!!! Not quite finished yet but I LOVE them all!!!