We got some news on Monday.
It was a number.
It was not the number we were expecting.
It was lower. Much lower.

We’d been so certain of the number it was going to be,
We’d made some fun and exciting plans about what we’d do with it.

When we got the number, we shared some reactions, my husband and I.
Disbelief (it must be a mistake), confusion (how can this be?),
Betrayal (he said if I did this it would be higher?), anger (can’t trust him),
dread (how will we manage?).

Through it all, my strongly practiced coaching skills kept bringing me back to clarity
(We’ll figure this out. This is the number it was meant to be),
but I noticed that I kept tottering on the edge of darkness.
It was hard work to stay in grown up mode.

When I woke up on Wednesday, I thought about going back to bed after I took the kids to school.
I used to do that long ago, before I found coaching,
and I  believed that there were things I couldn’t cope with.
I didn’t do it.
I’m skilled enough at managing my mind that I didn’t need to.
I know I can handle any emotion, and that
I can definitely do what needs to be done to handle any situation.

But still, I was kind of working hard to stay in that place.
Because I was still believing this really really wasn’t meant to happen.

You know, what it’s like.
You choose to live your life as if whatever happens is happening for you.
And that feels like a very liberating and flowing way to live.
But then That Thing happens, and you want to argue with this –
OK sure that’s true, but not just This One Time.
This one isn’t meant to happen this way.
And you find so many reasons that it’s true,
and so many people to share your sense of being wronged.

Thursday, I woke up and I had it.
Pure and total clarity. Calm. As if there was nothing to even talk about anymore.
Here’s how I got there:
The ONLY problem with this number
Is that we thought it should be higher.

Had we expected this number,
Then it would simply be a matter of math.

No drama.
Math, you can do. That’s just numbers.
The drama. Ugh. Math is hard enough for me with a clear mind.
With a panicking angry mind,
I can’t even tell the difference between too high or too low.

So let’s talk about numbers that reflect our size.
You step on the scale (yes. if you’re my client, you’re stepping on the scale. I don’t believe that hiding is going to serve you. ever)
You see a number.
You react.
You think it’s too high, too low, or just right.
And, whichever you think, that’s going to determine how you feel about yourself, and possibly about your day or even your life.

I want to offer this to you.
In the same way as my number was a problem ONLY because I expected a different number,
Your weight is a problem only if you expected a different number.

I want to be clear: I’m not saying you don’t do something about it if you want different number.
I’m inviting you to skip the drama.
If you want a lower number on the scale,
Without the drama, it’s usually pretty easy to figure out what you need to do.
Step 1, arrange a free consultation with Bev. Yes. Definitely.
Step 2. Well, Bev will tell you what step 2 is 🙂 For sure it’s going to be something like ‘stop telling yourself this number should be different. You chose this number. It’s exactly what it’s supposed to be right now. Stop expecting different.