Can you nudge against the sound? Of your own thoughts?

My inspiring NIA teacher asked this during our class this morning. What a great question. She was referring to the sound of the mesmerizing band that plays during our class. What a great question, I thought, thinking of my thoughts. Can you nudge against the sound of your own thoughts? Can you get a little closer and really hear […]

What does your future look like?

I’m teaching an intensive class (breathtakingly life-changing!!). We talked a lot about focusing on the future, And how powerful that is. Most of us are past-focused. We spend a lot of time thinking and talking about the past, And how different we/our lives would be if our past had been different. There’s no end to […]

Does it really matter what other people think?

I was at an event with my family on Saturday night. All dressed up and fancy. Fitted little black dress. Feeling quite hot, if the truth be told. We walked into a crowded room. Not many seats left. Had to walk across the front of the room to the remaining seats. When I sat down, […]

Can’t you just eat those latkas another day?

Chanukah. Latkas. Lacy crispy confections of shredded potatoes and onions. Hot off the griddle. Just the right amount of oily, crispy, and then mushy inside. Jews traditionally eat latkas on Chanukah, which started Saturday night, and will end this Sunday. On Saturday night we had a big Chanukah party. I mixed a triple batch of […]

Got any rules you want to deconstruct today?

I went shopping for a bikini yesterday. Honestly. I never thought that would happen in this lifetime. It started with my upper arms. I had a rule that I couldn’t wear sleeveless tops because my upper arms were fat and soft. But summer is short here in Toronto, and I always yearned to wear tank […]

How long until you choose to feel better?

I turned the corner, and a woman opened her window and said “I love you”. Life just keeps getting better, I thought. She went on to say that she hurt her leg during power yoga, and instead of quitting, she remembered a blog post I had written about falling and continuing to run instead of […]

How can you be so happy all the time?

“Mommy, how can you be so happy all the time?” My seven year old asked me tonight. We’d been driving for about twelve hours home from our winter vacation in Florida (heavenly – thanks for asking). Her question surprised me. I hadn’t even thought about it. I was really happy. Having the best day. My […]

Why do you do it if you hate doing it?

“I hate interrupting my work that I love to drive an hour to get my kids from school. So I eat all the way there and back” Emotion as she’s telling me this. Frustration, struggle. So don’t go, I said. But I want to go. I love talking to them and catching up with them. […]

What’s the first thing you think about when the seasons change?

I know what I used to think and feel. First sign of fall. Mild panic. Trying  to remember what size I was last fall. Was I thinner? Moderate panic. What will I wear now? Did I keep the “fat clothes” (please please yes – frantically dig them out)? OR Was I fatter? Anxious. Should I buy […]

How do you spend your family time?

Fabulous quality family time for me this week: Monday: cardio class with my gorgeous thirteen year old daughter. She was proud of how hard I worked. I do. Every time. I’m forty six and I jumped higher and ran further than her. (of course, she doesn’t have to try to be perfect – she’s my […]