almond milk latteMy mindbodysoul cleanse client was deciding what food she would give up permanently after this cleanse.
She cleansed with me in spring, and never returned to caffeine or diet soda,
and she feels really good about this.

I suggested she reframe her question.

My question, every time I cleanse is, “what will I gain this time?”

I’m so happy to report that this cleanse, I’ve reconnected with my creativity.
For years I’ve been advised, by various healers and coaches, to reconnect with my creativity.
Writing this blog for you feels creative and soul-filling for me.
I’m also taking Brene Brown’s art journalling class with some artist friends, and the glee I felt when I picked up my first paintbrush since school hinted at the joy that creativity would bring to my life.

This cleanse, I’m finding it in cooking.

I’m a serious cleanse nerd. And a recipe nerd.
I follow stuff to the fine print if I choose to do it.
I’ve been known to drive to 5 stores for the ingredients for one recipe.
And I’ve always marveled at my sister-in-law, who makes up delicious dishes based on what’s in the kitchen.

I need marvel no more.
I’m one of them now.

For the first time in my life I’m creating fantastic dishes based on the huge pile of fresh veggies overflowing from my fridge, and I’m sharing them with my class.

So much fun.

I believe that if I’d gone into this cleanse thinking about all the stuff I had to give up –
Tons – all processed food, sugar, caffeine, dairy, wheat…
I wouldn’t have found this.

I may have made up some new recipes, sure.
But I wouldn’t have connected this action with my intention to find what’s new here for me
And I wouldn’t have related it to my soul’s quest to connect with my creativity.
Something new every cleanse.
Always feels very connected to the nourishment of my body, my mind, and my soul.

What if we approached everything we’ve chosen to do with this question:
What will I gain from this?

Especially things we think we won’t enjoy.
What will you gain from this?

Maybe it’s Thanksgiving or Chanukah with the whole warring family in one house.
What will I gain from this?

Maybe it’s Thanksgiving or Chanukah alone.
What will I gain from this?

A separation, a hard class, a tough project, a new baby, marriage…
What will I gain from this?

And also everything we haven’t explicitly chosen.

Being fired.
What will I gain from this?

Someone leaving, someone dying, getting sick.
What will I gain from this?

Next mindbodysoul cleanse class is spring.
Click here to tell me you’re ON the waitlist!

(The picture above is titled “Not your ordinary latte”. I’ve been craving something warm and frothy all week. Week 2 of my cleanse introduces almonds, so I adapted my usual home-made almond milk recipe so it was ‘cleanse-worthy’ and then I steamed it in my cappuccino machine, poured it into my favourite latte bowl, and I am in heaven!!! AND in 4 weeks I look forward to creatively adding a shot of espresso!)