Playing Card - Nine of HeartsEach fall and spring, I recharge and rejuvenate my mind, body and soul, using a program I’ve developed based on years of reading, study and experimentation.
Over the past few years, I’ve invited a community of women to join me, and the results are always pretty magical.

Here’s why you should join me this fall:

  1. You will kickstart your weight loss goals during the class, and, if you’re like most of my previous cleansers, you will maintain this weight loss for years.
  2. I will support you every step of the way – as much as you need – I’m an ‘ask me anything’ type of coach.
  3. The magic ingredient in this cleanse program is that we address the cause of our emotional eating at the same time as detoxifying our bodies.
  4. You don’t have to buy a single supplement, shake or other product. All you will buy is real food that’s available in any supermarket.*
  5. At the end of the class, you’re eating a healthy diet of real food (with a treat or two here and there – essential for me!). No dependence on products, and no problems with re-entry into normal life.
  6. You share your journey with a small group of women – recipes, challenges, successes, secrets, there’s space for all of this.
  7. As an added bonus, you get to bring any challenge in any aspect of your life to our secret facebook group for coaching. I respond to every post. It’s part of detoxifying your mind. It will change your life.
  8. You get two private coaching sessions with me – to be used any time you ever want!
  9. This is the last time I will hold this class in this format. It’s now or never.

Do it. Join me. Give it to yourself. You won’t regret it. I promise.

Class starts tomorrow.
Space in the noon class only.
Sign up here.

Cleansing can feel intimidating and you may have questions – I’ve set aside some time this afternoon in case you want to talk about it – email me to arrange a call.



*I do recommend a few inexpensive supplements, which are entirely optional.