Detox diet for your body, mind and soul!

Detox diet for your body? and your mind? and your soul? Yes, this is one of the healthiest and most loving practices you can adopt. It’s common, and highly recommended by natural health experts, to cleanse during fall and spring. Usually, this involves buying some products – pills, herbs, juices, shakes, laxatives etc. – and existing […]

Nine reasons to join tomorrow’s Cleanse Class

Each fall and spring, I recharge and rejuvenate my mind, body and soul, using a program I’ve developed based on years of reading, study and experimentation. Over the past few years, I’ve invited a community of women to join me, and the results are always pretty magical. Here’s why you should join me this fall: […]

What are you really depriving yourself of?

Mary has decided not to eat carbs anymore. She figured out that her body doesn’t like them. She’s done two mindbodysoul cleanses with me, and she has made a decision to honour her body and feed it high octane fuel foods. These are foods that, when she eats them, she loses weight, she feels energetic, […]

Why can’t I just do the cleanse on my own?

You absolutely can. For sure. Here’s a class I taught all about how to follow my cleanse program without paying a cent. It’s a few years old, and I’m always impro ving my classes as I learn more, but you’ll get a good idea of how to detox your body, mind and soul. So why pay […]

Are you ready to renew and recharge yourself?

Every spring and fall, I gift myself with an inner tune-up. I love that I can do this for my body, And I attribute my high level of energy and clarity to my bi-annual cleanses, which help me remember who I want to be and how I want to live. I choose foods that are […]

Do you know how much food you need?

You, specifically. Your unique and luscious body. What’s the ideal amount your body requires to be in perfect optimal health? To be it’s ‘just right’ size? Many of us rely on experts to tell us. Just like we ask experts to tell us what to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We’ve all been on […]

Do you know what foods best fuel you?

Let me clarify my question: do you know which foods best fuel your body? Not what Dr. Oz says. Or your nutritionist. Or your trainer/mother/lover/best friend. Many of us have relinquished the definition of their ideal diet to a bunch of experts. Whose mind keeps changing. And who often contradict each other! I think all […]

What do you wish you never did anymore?

I used to text while driving. Yes, I admit it. Not proud of it. Actually I still do it sometimes. I’m a bit addicted. I said I’m not proud. I’m trying a new technique. I’m telling it like I want it to be instead of how it is. Every time I notice myself checking a […]

Sugar? Stevia? Splenda? Agave? Sucanat?

I have fallen madly in love. Seven times last week. My new group. Every woman. Love them to death. So honoured that they are open to hope. So awed that they are trusting me to guide them to a different way. We had a fascinating conversation in my front hallway on Sunday. We’d just finished […]

Why can’t I stop thinking about my weight?

Many of my clients are highly successful professionally. They earn awards, promotions and  coveted projects. They tell me that all they can think about as they receive their recognition is how fat they are. They also tell me that they think that everyone else is thinking about how fat they are. I know what they’re […]