Fotolia_60746941_XSEvery spring and fall, I gift myself with an inner tune-up.
I love that I can do this for my body,
And I attribute my high level of energy and clarity to my bi-annual cleanses,
which help me remember who I want to be and how I want to live.

I choose foods that are designed to repair, rejuvenate and revitalize me.
I recommit to daily meditations that are designed to awaken my inner knowing.
I examine my thinking to find remaining thoughts that are limiting me.

For the past few years, I’ve invited clients to join me on this mindbodysoul cleanse.
This year, I invite you.
We start next Monday – June 2.

Please accept my invitation – I’m confident that it will kickstart the best spring cleaning you’ve ever done, because it’s from the inside out, and you’ll be learning how to do it yourself.

If you’re ready to release some weight, some heavy thinking, and reconnect with your unique guidance, and learn how to continue the journey for the rest of your life,
meet me on the phone and online forum on June 2 (did I mention – that’s next week!).
Morning and Evening class available.
Click here for everything you need to know!

If you’ve cleansed with me before, and just want to sign up, click here!