I remember it as clearly as if it was yesterday.
Twenty five years ago, I’d been invited to a colleague for dinner.
It was a new friendship, and the first time I’d been to her house.

She served lasagna.
I can still feel the horror as I realized there was a strand of hair in my forkful.
I was repulsed.
But I ate it.
Put it in my mouth.
Swallowed quickly.
And kept eating.
Even though I was feeling repulsed.
And definitely not enjoying my meal.
I didn’t even taste it.

That’s how disconnected I used to be to my body.
I was overweight,
And so I believed that I wasn’t allowed to love my body.
I rejected my size,
Which caused me to ignore myself,
Even extreme feelings like repulsion.

I mistakenly believed that hating myself would lead me to want to change and get thin.
But really, all it led me to do was separate my conscious mind (where all my power to change my actions lies) from my body (where my hunger and fullness signals reside).
This was a recipe for weight loss failure.
Every time.

Fast forward to today.
Every time I eat, I do a quick check in –
Is this food worthy of my luscious body?
(my clients love this phrase – luscious body – most of them have never considered that their body could be luscious at any size, but of course it can – you get to decide)

Today, I would never eat a single bite of food that repulses me.
Luckily for me, the foods that I am attracted to are also the foods that nourish my body and keep my weight stable.
This is no coincidence, and it’s not unusual when you truly listen to your body.
And it’s a recipe for weight loss success.
Every time.

How did I achieve this transformation?
By deciding to value my body (and by extension, the mind and soul that it houses).
Before I lost weight.
For no reason other than because.
Because I am alive.
Because I am here.
Because I am meant to.
Because the other way feels so painful and only half alive.

You are too.
You are alive.
You are here.
You can decide that that means that you can choose to love your body.
Right now.
As it is.

I can help you do this. Click the popup below  to schedule a free one hour consultation now.