
Think about something you do very automatically every day,
That didn’t come naturally to you.
Driving a car.
Flossing your teeth.
Operating a computer (if you’re my age!)

Remember when you had to remember to do it, and how to do it?
Remember when you didn’t really enjoy doing it?
But you just kept doing it.
How failure was not an option?

You had a belief that something in your life would be better if you did it.
And so you kept doing it
So now it’s habitual,
And you keep getting the results of doing it.
You can get to where you want to go.
Your teeth don’t bother you.
You can communicate with your contacts around the world.

If you apply this to the way you eat
You’ll become the size you want to be
By becoming the person who eats that way.

Think about her.
Imagine her.
What is she thinking?
What is she feeling?
What is she eating?

Practice being her, in your mind and in your thoughts,
And her actions will flow naturally.

For example, when you were learning to use a computer,
I’m guessing it was exciting, and scary, and often frustrating.
Maybe you didn’t want to go for your lessons every time,
Maybe you just wanted to write the damn memo longhand,
But you went.
You tried, you lost documents, you forgot,
And eventually it became automatic.
Or flossing – I definitely didn’t want to do it twice a day,
I still don’t.
But I do it because I think it’s worth it.

That’s the kind of thinking you want to find with your eating.
You want to remind yourself, many times a day,
Why you want to eat the way you know will enable you to lose weight.

We think it’s all about finding the right eating plan,
But it’s really about finding the right thinking plan,
And then practicing it over and over again,
Until it’s who you are.

Because when we think we’re a certain type of person,
We just behave that way.

You think you’re a driver,
So you hop in the car automatically.
But when you were becoming a driver,
You probably had to think about it, plan for it, and keep reminding yourself why you were doing it when it was so hard and confusing and scary.

If you want to lose weight permanently,
By becoming the person who eats that way automatically,
So you don’t have to think about it or struggle with it,
Then you must keep practicing being that person now.

Here’s how it might look:

What does she think? “I eat foods my body loves”
What does she feel? “Resolved”
What does she do? “Eat foods that fuel her body. Every time.”
She can’t help but lose weight when she keeps practicing this, right?

Whenever she feels tempted to eat food for entertainment or comfort,
She reminds herself “Food is fuel for me, not entertainment”,
And she purposefully chooses to take action from that belief,
Which leads her to find another form of entertainment or comfort,
Slowly, gradually, becoming the woman who treats food as fuel for her body.

It’s a slow process, and can feel uncomfortable at times,
As you are really replacing a part of your identity with a new identity,
that serves your goals better.
And I promise you,
It’s so worth it.
Because once you learn how to do this with food and eating,
You will be able to use this process to achieve any goal you want.
Practice my friend.
It’s the only way.

It’s so helpful to have a coach with you during your practice sessions, and I am honoured to be that coach for so many women who have changed, and are changing their size and identity. If you want this for yourself, I encourage you to sign up today for my 3 month coaching package at $1500, for the last time ever.