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Six years ago, I was training to be a weight loss coach
And I was obsessed with the size of my stomach.
I had lost a lot of weight already,
And my stomach was flatter than it had been in many years,
But I still let it take up a lot of mental real estate.

Rationally, I could see that it was so unimportant in the overall scheme of things,
But emotionally I couldn’t let it go.
I couldn’t find another way of thinking about my stomach that lessened it’s importance.

Eventually, my teacher offered me this:

“My destiny requires more of me than thinking about my stomach”

I still get shivers when I remember this moment.
It changed everything for me.
I didn’t need to try to convince myself that my stomach was okay.
When viewed in light of my purpose here on earth
The size of my stomach just faded into complete irrelevance.

I was thinking about this last weekend at the I Can Do It! Toronto conference.
Many of my favourite teachers and writers were there,
But Christiane Northrup was the big draw for me.
I’ve been following Northrup since long before she became famous.
Her writing has influenced my personal approach to every stage of my adult life – my choices of contraception, mothering,  perimenopause, as well as my teachings in my newest group, The Hunger Games.

I’ve never seen her live, and I bought preferred tickets to be close to her.
As I told my husband “it’s like going to a Styx concert for you”.
She’s a rock star in my mind.
She didn’t disappoint.
She’s a tiny ball of pizzazz and sass – she’s gutsy, smart, entertaining and independent.

And the best part of all this?
She has a stomach. A visibly protruding stomach on her tiny frame.
Let me be clear – she made no attempt to hide her stomach in her red pencil skirt.

And I sat there thinking:
What if Christiane Northrup had spent all her mental energy worrying about the size of her stomach?
What if Christiane Northrup had waited until she had a flat stomach to teach in person events like this one?

I can’t even imagine how many thousands of women have been impacted by her work as I have
– who’ve become empowered to question medical authorities about their treatment plans and avoided unnecessary surgeries and harmful drugs,
– who’ve become informed about natural remedies for natural hormonal changes they may not have heard of elsewhere,
– who’ve been opened to the possibility that they don’t have to age as society expects them to
– who’ve started to listen to their own feminine wisdom and intuition as a valid source of information.

I truly think the world would be different if Christiane Northrup had stayed hidden because her stomach wasn’t flat.

My world would have been different for sure.

So tell me, what are you waiting until you are thin to do?

Ask yourself: Must I be thin to fulfill my soul’s purpose?


Stop waiting.

You, exactly as you are, are the only one who can fulfill your destiny.

And who knows who’s world will be enhanced because you did?