“Shame cannot survive being spoken… It cannot survive empathy.” Brene Brown

shame dies when it is shared and met with compassion

I’ve had a magical week this week.
I feel more alive and in touch than I’ve felt in ages.
And I know why.
I spoke my shame last week. To my friend, and to you.
And you met me with empathy, support, and love.
I received so many emails and texts from you, my readers, who wanted to let me know that they are here for me, no matter what.

And each message I got, I felt lighter and brighter.

I didn’t notice it at first.
I just noticed that this week Ive gone to sleep at a normal hour (no Netflix), I’ve woken up every day feeling energetic, I’ve worked out every day, and I’ve been eating my eating the exact fuel I need for my body.
These are my barometers for how I’m doing,
and it’s been so different to how I was last week, and the weeks before that.

I haven’t struggled to be different this week.
In fact, for the entire summer, I struggled to get back to this connected way of living, and I couldn’t.

And then I realized –

I spoke my shame.
And it was met with empathy.
It’s gone.
It’s exactly as Brene Brown says:
“Shame depends on me buying into the belief that I’m alone”.
You showed me I wasn’t alone, and now it’s gone.

I also received emails from my readers telling me about their shame, and how much it weighs on them.
One dear soul sent me this subject line “My shame weighs 80lbs”.

Dear reader. Don’t. You don’t need to.
Whatever you have done,
Whatever was done to you,
You don’t need to hide it.
And you are not alone.

I want to connect with you all about this.
Let’s hop on the phone (anonymously if you want to) and let’s speak our shame.
It’s going to be a free call, and I have a special treat for you.
My friend and colleague, Marda Sperber, is a miraculous healer and meditation expert,
And she’s going to lead us in a meditation at the beginning and end of the call.
If you haven’t heard Marda’s soothing, tinkly voice, you want to. Trust me.

Here’s how it’s going to work:
We’ll call in to my free conference line,
I’ll tell you what I’ve learned about shame,
You’ll share what you’ve learned,
Marda will lead us in a meditation to help us get present,
And I’ll invite you to tell your shame – in any way that you are able – you can tell your story, or you can simply say you have shame and need support – you are welcome however you are,
And we will meet you with empathy, love and compassion.
We won’t try to solve your problem, or help you find another way to think about this.
That won’t be necessary. It’s yours and you get to keep it.
We’ll harness the healing power of sharing. Of ending the secrecy.
And then you’ll see your way forward.

We’ll end with a final visualization from Marda about releasing shame.

If you can’t speak your own shame, come anyway.
This is a ‘come as you are’ shame party.
I’m going to share shame stories I have heard,
Others will share theirs,
And that may be exactly what you need right now,
To start to release your own.
To get ready to share your shame, so that it stops driving your emotions and behaviours.

Yes? You coming? Time to find out who you are without your shameful secrets.
All you need to do is email me and I will send you the call in info.
No charge.
Let’s do this.
Let’s free ourselves from shame so we can find our own magnificence.