Please love yourself today, no matter what.

I went swimsuit shopping yesterday. At my thinnest, I don’t look good in a swimsuit. And I’m not at my thinnest right now. So there I was, me and me, in a tiny change room with a full length mirror, lots of swimsuits, my big wobbly legs and my dimply sticky-outy butt. And I didn’t […]

Shame – how much does it weigh? Mine weighs ten pounds.

I want to talk to you about the weight of shame, when we hide it inside our bodies. As you know, I help women recover from emotional eating. When we use food to avoid our emotions, we eat more than our bodies need, and so we end up heavier than we believe is optimal for […]

Do you ever eat because you’re lonely?

My client told me that she ate three chocolate bars because she was lonely. I asked her why she was feeling lonely. She told me that her husband was out of town, and had been travelling quite a bit lately. I asked her, again, why she was feeling lonely, and she told me that her […]

I chose crying in a restaurant over eating the entire menu.

Last week, I told you how I had lost five pounds by eating only when I was hungry and stopping as soon as I was satisfied. For a recovering emotional eater like me, this means being willing to allow my emotions to surface instead of stuffing them down with food. I told you about how […]

Do you want to lose five pounds easily this week?

I lost 5 pounds this week. Easily. Here’s what I did: Every time I felt a slight sensation of hunger, I ate. Whatever I wanted. Every time I felt a slight sensation of fullness I stopped eating. Whatever I wanted. Including chocolate, cookies, candies, salads, salmon, eggs, spelt toast, blueberries, and an entire pizza last […]

How to do Mother’s Day without a Mother?

This was my first mother’s day without a mother. I wasn’t sure who I would be. My mother being my mother was central to my existence. This is how it is when you have a mother like mine: Everything I did was inspiring and fantastic and gave her enormous joy. Every day. Unfailingly. Sunday morning, […]

Want to learn more about experiencing ease in your life?

The weather here is unusually cold. That. Is an understatement. It’s freezing every day. For Toronto. Which is always very cold this time of year! I can’t remember when I was more grateful for my learned awareness that I have full power over my emotions. Wherever I go, people are blaming the weather for their […]

What to do with the pain?

Sadness. Loss. Fear . Regret. Worry. Crises rocking my world. First, I slept I ate I hid. For 2 days. It felt horrible. Like I was congesting the pain, Making it thick and doughy and sticky. I felt thick and doughy and congested. I wanted a different way. I know a different way. Coach a […]