Working out: the unexpected bonus.

Wanna hear me read to you? Click here! I am an avid and regular exerciser. Every time I say that I get this little buzz. My own secret thrill. Here’s why: I was the most sedentary child, teen and adult you could find. Slow moving for much of my life, my favourite activites were reading, […]

What are you dreaming of for 2016?

We took the kids to Traces by 7 Fingers yesterday – if it comes your way, don’t miss it. Seven twentysomethings in peak physical condition performing moves most people would think were impossible. They’re only possible for them because they have chosen to live in bodies that are strong and supple and brave. I’ve been coaching people of […]

How can you use your creative mind to lose weight?

Here’s one brilliant way: Bev I thought about you after my run yesterday and wanted to tell you that your blog post  about riding your bicycle when you were a little out of shape really inspired me to get my own mojo going.   I’ve gained some weight too.  At least five pounds and I […]

How do you become a regular exerciser?

This may surprise you: It’s all in the language you use. Your wording influences how you feel. I spent the last two summers in Miami. The first week, I started swimming forty laps each day while my kids were playing. I called it my “Daily Forty”, and soon my kids were joining me (I like […]

Got any stories that have outlived their ‘best by ‘ date?

YOU: Do you like your gym? ME: The best part of it is that it’s 2 minutes away. I can leave my house at 9.20 for a 9.30 class. If it was 5 minutes further, I just wouldn’t get there. I totally believed this story. And it kept me at a gym I really didn’t […]

How do you make sure you stick with your new exercise plan?

Laura* comes to hot yoga every day. Possibly twice a day – she’s there whichever class I go to. She’s out of shape and overweight. She doesn’t look like someone who exercises strenuously every day. And she doesn’t. Exercise strenuously. She spends most of the class on her mat Lying flat on her back in […]

Where have my genius skills gone?

I’m wobbling here. Seriously. On one foot. WHAT? This is supposed to be easy for me! I’m a yogini. I was born a yogini. And from someone who’s been terrible at every sport since birth, Discovering that I was naturally good at yoga was quite a revelation! Yet here I am in hot yoga Struggling […]

What’s your lie?

In coaching we often ask “what’s your why?” to uncover the reason for our behaviour. Lately, I’ve been experimenting with “what’s your lie?” I find that if we begin by identifying the lies we tell ourselves right off the bat things just open up and take off from there. I asked the “Seasonalites” (the brave […]

Do you believe it’s easy to lose weight?

I do. I decided to believe that this morning. I gained a few pounds over the last month. I could come up with some valid excuses tons of house guests no routine a million kids to feed. But I know these are all lies. I know it takes no time at all to pay attention […]

What are you thinking? And how’s it making you feel?

I had a good workout in Group Power today. Of my mind. My muscles, not so much unfortunately. My regular teacher was unexpectedly replaced By a woman who ran the class in slow motion. I spent the first ten minutes scowling at her while she ambled in three minutes late, ever so slowly set up […]