Child dreaming about a new house or home

We took the kids to Traces by 7 Fingers yesterday – if it comes your way, don’t miss it.
Seven twentysomethings in peak physical condition performing moves most people would think were impossible. They’re only possible for them because they have chosen to live in bodies that are strong and supple and brave.

I’ve been coaching people of all shapes and sizes long enough to know that being in peak physical condition does not protect you from insecurity, shame, and self hatred.
These come from what we tell ourselves about ourselves, and having a seemingly perfect body makes no difference to where our minds want to go sometimes.

But I do know that there are so many wonderful benefits to being in peak physical condition, and they go so far beyond what you look like.

For me, these include
Being strong enough to do my own heavy lifting, instead of waiting for my husband to come home.
Knowing I can sprint to catch my flight if I need to (I always need to).
Joining my kids in any adventure that excites them, instead of sitting and watching from the sidelines like I used to.
Long hard cycling dates with my husband and friends, instead of just meeting him for brunch after his cycle, like I used to.
Being able to exercise hard enough to use it as a stress releaser, instead of hiding in bed and eating.

So many of us use New Years to set ambitious fitness goals for ourselves.

I want to offer this to you –
As you set your goals this New Year, if you do,
Check in with yourself.
The most important indicator of whether you’ll achieve your goal
s how you feel when you think about your goal?

Here’s why:
If you don’t feel good when you think about your goal,
You won’t achieve it or, if you do, you won’t sustain the result longterm.
That’s because if you feel hopeless or pessimistic about your goal, it means you  don’t really believe you can do it.
And our brain always sets out to seek or create evidence for what we believe.
So every time you miss a workout, your brain will say “See, I knew you couldn’t do it”, which will probably make you feel despondent, and you’re less likely to make that workout tomorrow.
And then you tell yourself you’ve blown it again.

If you want to make sure you achieve your goals,
And I fully believe you can achieve anything you want,
Take the time, after setting your goals, to find out what you’re really thinking about these goals,
and make sure to word them in a way that feels good to you,
and  clean up your thinking that doesn’t believe you can do it.

This can be challenging to do, especially if you have a history of giving up on yourself and your dreams.
That’s why I’m offering a one-time, one week special for January –
$250 for a 90 minute Goal Exploration phone coaching session,
followed by a week of email support to get you on your way.
You’ll leave with the tools you need to achieve and sustain your goals this year. This will be the difference between this  year’s goals and all the goals you’ve set all those years before.

I won’t tell you what you should aim for – that’s your specialty.
My specialty is helping you find the obstacles you’re putting in your way,
And helping you turn them into your best assets.

I only have a 4 spots available, because I’m off to California for a week to train new coaches in the middle of the month, so make sure to click here to pay, and I’ll send you a link to my schedule as soon as you do.