What will change if you never eat this food, ever again?

Deb emailed me about my latka blog. She asked what to do about that special seasonal food you can’t get all year long. For her, it’s Snickers Nutcrackers. For me, it’s anything sprinkled with crushed candy canes. (have you tasted Pepperidge Farm’s Geneva cookies? Crushed  candy canes instead of crushed nuts! Discovered them yesterday – […]

Why do I eat more when the food tastes horrible?

ugh. Bob Evans in West Virginia. Broccoli is soggy, baked potato is cold, carrots are overcooked. And I finished them all. I’m a food snob. I like my food, fresh, lovingly prepared, hopefully organic, ideally local. As you can imagine, I’m very demanding when I eat out. There aren’t many restaurants I’m willing to go […]

Can’t you just eat those latkas another day?

Chanukah. Latkas. Lacy crispy confections of shredded potatoes and onions. Hot off the griddle. Just the right amount of oily, crispy, and then mushy inside. Jews traditionally eat latkas on Chanukah, which started Saturday night, and will end this Sunday. On Saturday night we had a big Chanukah party. I mixed a triple batch of […]

What to do with the pain?

Sadness. Loss. Fear . Regret. Worry. Crises rocking my world. First, I slept I ate I hid. For 2 days. It felt horrible. Like I was congesting the pain, Making it thick and doughy and sticky. I felt thick and doughy and congested. I wanted a different way. I know a different way. Coach a […]

So what if you will never have this food again?

My client is on vacation And she’s eating more than her body needs. She keeps thinking “I’ll never have this dessert again.” Which is probably true. She noticed that this fact has no effect on her children. Their attitude is “there’s always another dessert” Which is probably true too. This woman is very smart. She […]

Want to know the best weight loss secret in the universe?

Stay Don’t leave Stay Don’t hide Stay No matter what you’re eating Stay present No matter how much you’re eating Be there with you Even if you’re breaking a promise you made yesterday Stay with yourself Even if you wish you were someone different Don’t leave. During my years of coaching and being coached I […]

Why must you give that up in order to be thin?

I went to an Indian restaurant with my oldest daughter last night. We both love Indian food, and often go just the two of us. We love the communal aspect of the meal, and enjoy the same dishes. We usually order samosas, naan bread, and two or three vegetarian dishes with rice. This is way […]

What’s your lie?

In coaching we often ask “what’s your why?” to uncover the reason for our behaviour. Lately, I’ve been experimenting with “what’s your lie?” I find that if we begin by identifying the lies we tell ourselves right off the bat things just open up and take off from there. I asked the “Seasonalites” (the brave […]

Why do you do it if you hate doing it?

“I hate interrupting my work that I love to drive an hour to get my kids from school. So I eat all the way there and back” Emotion as she’s telling me this. Frustration, struggle. So don’t go, I said. But I want to go. I love talking to them and catching up with them. […]

What can you do if you can’t make yourself feel better?

A woman I love dearly is badly burned. She was sleeping two nights ago and was woken, on fire. The extent of her burns is not yet established, but it’s not good. Her partner is dead. She is one of the strongest, bravest women I know. Tiny, gorgeous, energetic. She is the backbone of her […]