Did you overeat yesterday? You can recover from overeating without gaining weight.

Did you overeat  yesterday? Chances are, if you live in the US, you’re nodding your head. Many of my clients sent me “oops” and “oh shit” emails about their overeating during Thanksgiving dinner. Then they told me that is the last time they will ever overeat again. Did you tell yourself something similar? That kind […]

Shame – how much does it weigh? Mine weighs ten pounds.

I want to talk to you about the weight of shame, when we hide it inside our bodies. As you know, I help women recover from emotional eating. When we use food to avoid our emotions, we eat more than our bodies need, and so we end up heavier than we believe is optimal for […]

Can you nudge against the sound? Of your own thoughts?

My inspiring NIA teacher asked this during our class this morning. What a great question. She was referring to the sound of the mesmerizing band that plays during our class. What a great question, I thought, thinking of my thoughts. Can you nudge against the sound of your own thoughts? Can you get a little closer and really hear […]

Have you ever asked “how can I stop bingeing?”

How can I stop bingeing? I’ve heard this question so many times, from clients, friends, and even strangers (once they discover I’m a Master certified weight loss coach) That I decided to teach you. I’m holding a free webinar on Wednesday, And if you’ve ever asked yourself “how can I stop bingeing?” Then you should […]

Ooh I can’t think that, it’s too fattening.

Sound familiar? Almost. Well, not that phrase exactly. But this one: How many times have you said, or heard, “ooh I can’t eat that, it’s too fattening”. Here’s an idea for you. Find out which of your thoughts are fattening. In the same way that some foods can cause you to gain or lose weight, […]

What to do after you overeat.

If you want to avoid gaining weight, Don’t eat again until you’re hungry. It’s that simple. The minute you notice that you’re eating and you’re not hungry. Stop. Note where you are on the hunger scale. And wait until you’re at -2 (slightly hungry) to eat again. This may only be tomorrow, or many hours […]

This one thing will eliminate your desire to binge

I coached a mom last week. She told me she binges when she’s doing something for her children. Especially when it’s unplanned or unexpected. Like when they forget their lunch and she drives it to them, eating cookies all the way. Or when they tell her they need help with a project that’s due tomorrow, […]

I chose crying in a restaurant over eating the entire menu.

Last week, I told you how I had lost five pounds by eating only when I was hungry and stopping as soon as I was satisfied. For a recovering emotional eater like me, this means being willing to allow my emotions to surface instead of stuffing them down with food. I told you about how […]

Does it really matter what other people think?

I was at an event with my family on Saturday night. All dressed up and fancy. Fitted little black dress. Feeling quite hot, if the truth be told. We walked into a crowded room. Not many seats left. Had to walk across the front of the room to the remaining seats. When I sat down, […]

Why do I keep eating when I’m uncomfortably full?

We reach for more food when we’ve eaten so much that we feel physically uncomfortable. We think that more food is what we want. Does this sound familiar to you? It comes up a lot in my coaching practice, so I’m sharing my  email exchange with Jen* here. Jen: I notice this week that when I […]