Direction sign representing a difficult decision at crossroad

I’ve become a person who doesn’t snack.

Not snacking is new for me.
It’s a decision I made recently.

I love the idea that we can change who we are.
It feels very powerful to me, as if we have endless possibility.

I’m experimenting with different ways of eating,
in order to meet the needs of my body at this perimenopausal stage of my life,
when my usual way of eating is causing me to gain weight.

One of the things I’m experimenting with is eating less often
in order to reset my fat storing and fat burning hormones.
I don’t understand too much about the science,
But it’s working for me.

There were two different approaches I could have taken in order to achieve this goal:

Either, I could see this as a rule that has been imposed on me –
I’m not allowed to snack anymore”.
But that feels childish, and weak, and brings up feelings of rebelliousness.
AND it’s not true – as an adult I have complete free will over what and when I eat.

Or, I could choose to embrace the opportunity to change my identity –
I’m choosing to become a person who does’t snack anymore.”
I love how this feels.
It feels strong, adult and free.

I define who I am.

Try it:

Think about something you’re trying to change in your life.
Maybe you want to become someone who only eats when you’re hungry, and stops eating as soon as you’re satisfied?

Here are two ways to talk  to yourself about it –
Read each, and then stop and see how it feels to you:

1. I can’t eat until I’m hungry, and I have to stop the minute I’m satisfied.
How does that feel? For me, I feel instant resistance and constriction.

Now try this:

2. I’m becoming a person who eats only in response to physical hunger.
How does that feel? For me, I sit up straighter when I read it. I feel proud and strong.

You always have a choice.
Of what to do.
And how to think about it.

Exercise your choice and you will be so much more successful at achieving your goals,
and you’ll feel so much better while you get there.

We’re going to be learning all about hormones and how they affect our hunger and our weight in The Hunger Games, which starts next week. This class is full (thank you so much for all your queries). If you want to be first to know about the next session, email me to let me know!