Weight loss during perimenopause

Are you finding weight loss during perimenopause difficult these days? Harder than it’s ever been? Me too. And all my friends. Chances are, if you’re nodding your head, you’re in your forties, fifties, or maybe sixties, And you definitely need to attend my free webinar this Monday. Sign up here. Challenges of weight loss during […]

You’re going to overeat if you deplete yourself

Julia binged three times this week. She was wondering why? When she described her week to me, It became clear. She had no fun this week. She was all about chores, errands, favours, Shoulds and should haves. A sick friend for dinner Parents to take care of A messy office that needs to be tidied A […]

How do you become a person who loses weight permanently?

Practice. Practice. Practice. Think about something you do very automatically every day, That didn’t come naturally to you. Driving a car. Flossing your teeth. Operating a computer (if you’re my age!) Remember when you had to remember to do it, and how to do it? Remember when you didn’t really enjoy doing it? But you […]

How do you get from where you are to where you want to be?

You know how it is – you weigh 170lbs and you want to weigh 145. Or you give in to your cravings and you want to eat only when you’re hungry. At The Life Coach School, where I teach and mentor new coaches, we call this space in between where you are and where you […]

What are you dreaming of for 2016?

We took the kids to Traces by 7 Fingers yesterday – if it comes your way, don’t miss it. Seven twentysomethings in peak physical condition performing moves most people would think were impossible. They’re only possible for them because they have chosen to live in bodies that are strong and supple and brave. I’ve been coaching people of […]

That bite. It does matter.

As promised, I’m talking about fattening thoughts for a few weeks. Here’s a really fattening thought: I don’t care.   How many times have you told yourself that you don’t care As you’re about to dive headlong into a binge? Often, you’re angry about something or someone Or you’re really disappointed about an outcome And […]

Ooh I can’t think that, it’s too fattening.

Sound familiar? Almost. Well, not that phrase exactly. But this one: How many times have you said, or heard, “ooh I can’t eat that, it’s too fattening”. Here’s an idea for you. Find out which of your thoughts are fattening. In the same way that some foods can cause you to gain or lose weight, […]

What do you ask food to do for you?

Do you ask food to do something it isn’t capable of doing? My clients tell me that food comforts them. That food is their friend. That food makes them feel better. Of course, when I question them, they come to realize that food can’t do any of these things. Food is really just a bunch […]

How do you feel when you make an excuse?

What do you make excuses about? Common topics are: what we ate (I couldn’t help it I was starving and there was nothing healthy to eat) how we felt (he was so rude I just had to yell at him) our finances (it’s not my fault I have expensive taste). We often believe our excuses. […]

People-pleasing can be hazardous to your waistline

Losing weight my way means you connect to your body and you learn how to nourish yourself with foods that truly fuel you. Foods that feel vitalizing and energizing. And you learn to choose to say no to foods that don’t. You will discover that you no longer want to eat foods that you used […]