Tonight, dinner was tea and cookies.
Usually dinner is veggies – lots of them, roasted, sautéed, souped, raw, any way. I looooove veggies. Never met a veggie I didn’t love (okra’s not really a veg right?)
Tonight, I really felt like cookies and tea.
In my old life, I would have felt like cookies and tea at dinner time.
And I would have made myself tofu and veggies.
Later, I would have rebelled and eaten the cookies.
After, I’d have served myself a helping of regret and shame.
Followed by a few more courses of binge eating.
Now, I’m honest with myself.
I eat consciously.
If I want cookies and tea, I may choose to have them and tell myself the truth:
That’s dinner.
And while it’s not a dinner that fuels me very well, for tonight it was just what I wanted.
And what I chose.
Some nights I may choose not to have cookies and tea for dinner even if I want it.
Could be I’m teaching a class and want to be sharp.
Could be I’ve already had some joy foods today and want to balance them with fuel foods.
But tonight, I chose it.
That’s what I love about my program.
No rules.
Just connecting with my body, listening to what it wants.
So revolutionary.
So obvious.
So simple.