I went swimsuit shopping yesterday.
At my thinnest, I don’t look good in a swimsuit.
And I’m not at my thinnest right now.
So there I was, me and me,
in a tiny change room with a full length mirror, lots of swimsuits,
my big wobbly legs
and my dimply sticky-outy butt.

And I didn’t experience a moment of pain.
I actually had a good time in there.

I decided to like how the swimsuits looked on me.
Every one. Even the ones I didn’t buy.
I decided to focus on my waist,
The cute patterns and fabrics,
And how insanely lucky I am to be shopping for swimsuits when it’s -5 degrees outside.

It wasn’t even hard for me.
I’m so practiced in taking extremely good care of myself and my well being –
emotional, physical and spiritual.
No matter what I’ve done or haven’t done,
How thin or fat I am,
What I forgot to do,
And what I chose not to do,
I always talk kindly to myself,
And so I always feel pretty good about myself.
Which makes it easy to be with myself
And less likely that I will escape into food or Netflix
After swimsuit shopping.

It’s the holidays. The end of the year is approaching.
You may be reviewing your year and considering how you’ve done in terms of our goals.

I implore you:
Whatever you’ve done or not done this year
Whatever size you are
No matter how much cellulite you have
And even if your stomach sits on your lap,
Be kind to yourself.
Find the gifts in yourself.
Look yourself in the mirror and decide to like what you see.

Yes. You get to decide.
Either way, what you see is who you have to work with.
And I know I prefer working with something I like, don’t you?

Know that this is exactly who you are supposed to be
For your own greatest good
And for the work you are here on earth to do.
From this space, your way to where you want to go will be so much clearer.

Does this seem impossible to you?
If so, I want to work with you.
I am opening five spots for a year long program that will get you what you want from a place of self-love and self-compassion.
I’m unplugging for the next two weeks, but you can book a consultation to find out more today here.

Chag Chanukah Sameach, Merry Christmas, and may your holidays be peaceful and loving.