Eating together is eating together and connecting is connecting.

I’m in Imperial Beach with two of my favourite colleagues, Deb on the left and Suyin in the middle. We’re staying in a wonderful beachside condo and planning our business for the coming year. Or trying to. We seem to be doing a lot of beach walking and dolphin searching! We wandered into town today […]

Knowing your desired outcome makes it so easy to decide what to eat

Want to hear me read this to you? Click here! I have a new client, Chloe, and she is so cool. She came up with a weight loss strategy that I think is pretty foolproof: She calls it “starting with the end in mind“. Here’s how it works: You decide what outcome you want for your […]

What do you make it mean when you gain weight?

I gained 2 lbs this week. After eating one red velevet cupcake. Man it was delicious – light and fluffy, and the cream cheese icing was perfection. A perfectly worthwhile Joy eat, Which I savoured wholeheartedly. Yup. Next day, the scale told me that that cupcake cost me two extra pounds. And here’s what I made […]

Working out: the unexpected bonus.

Wanna hear me read to you? Click here! I am an avid and regular exerciser. Every time I say that I get this little buzz. My own secret thrill. Here’s why: I was the most sedentary child, teen and adult you could find. Slow moving for much of my life, my favourite activites were reading, […]

Why do we sabotage ourselves?

Prefer to listen to today’s message? Click here! My Hunger Games students each developed a customized eating plan for their unique and luscious bodies. They know exactly what they need to do to lose weight and stay at their natural weight. AND they feel clear-headed, calmer, and their energy is more stable when they eat this […]

You’re going to overeat if you deplete yourself

Julia binged three times this week. She was wondering why? When she described her week to me, It became clear. She had no fun this week. She was all about chores, errands, favours, Shoulds and should haves. A sick friend for dinner Parents to take care of A messy office that needs to be tidied A […]

How do you become a person who loses weight permanently?

Practice. Practice. Practice. Think about something you do very automatically every day, That didn’t come naturally to you. Driving a car. Flossing your teeth. Operating a computer (if you’re my age!) Remember when you had to remember to do it, and how to do it? Remember when you didn’t really enjoy doing it? But you […]

How do you get from where you are to where you want to be?

You know how it is – you weigh 170lbs and you want to weigh 145. Or you give in to your cravings and you want to eat only when you’re hungry. At The Life Coach School, where I teach and mentor new coaches, we call this space in between where you are and where you […]

What would you do if you found a hair in your food?

I remember it as clearly as if it was yesterday. Twenty five years ago, I’d been invited to a colleague for dinner. It was a new friendship, and the first time I’d been to her house. She served lasagna. I can still feel the horror as I realized there was a strand of hair in […]